
Tonganoxie Sandstone

Late Pennsylvanian (Douglas Group of the Virgilian Stage)

Top and bottom--Leaves from the extinct seed ferns Alethopteris and Pecopteris, respectively. From the upper Pennsylvanian Tonganoxie Sandstone. Douglas Group, Virgilian Stage--305 to 303 million years old. Photographs courtesy anoymous individuals at a specific web page. I edited and processed the images through photoshop.

Top--Leaf from an extinct seed fern Neuropteris. Bottom--Leaf from an extinct fern Odontopteris. From the upper Pennsylvanian Tonganoxie Sandstone. Douglas Group, Virgilian Stage--305 to 303 million years old. Photographs courtesy anoymous individuals at a specific web page. I edited and processed the images through photoshop.

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