
Late Pennsylvanian, Kansas

Two cephalopod specimens, called scientifically genus Bactrites. From the upper Pennsylvanian Oread Limestone. Shawnee Group, Virgilian Stage--303 to 301 million years old.

Top to bottom--Two different views of the same nautiloid cephalopod called scientifically genus Metacoceras, from the upper Pennsylvanian Drum Limestone; Kansas City Group, Missourian Stage--306.5 to 305.5 million years ago. Bottom-- A nautiloid cephalopod called scientifically, Domatoceras umbilicatum; from the upper Pennsylvanian Drum Limestone, Kansas City Group of the Missourian Stage--306.5 to 305.5 million years old. Both specimens courtesy the web page: Pennsylvanian Atlas of Ancient Life Midcontinent United States.

An orthocone nautiloid cephalopd from the upper Pennsylvanian Liberty Hill Shale (as of 2014, reinstated as a formation in Kansas from its typical occurrences in neighboring Missouri); Kansas City Group, Missourian Stage--307 to 305 million years old. Image courtesy an individual who goes by the cyber-name Missourian.

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